Community is essential to following Jesus. These groups provide an ongoing place for people to find community, share life, and grow in faith. It is always the right time to jump into one of these groups.
Want to go deeper in your faith? These groups are often short-term and offered at special times. Each group is designed to help people have a relationship with God. We will explore what it looks like to listen to God through Scripture and prayer.
We hope you will join us for our 2nd Annual REUNION Church-wide retreat that is happening on March 21-23rd. We will stay for 3-days-2-nights at the Toah Nipi Retreat Center in New Hampshire!
Retreats are a great opportunity to step back and get away from the city to reflect and connect with God and other people. Whether you have been going to church for years or you are just curious about faith, we hope you will join us! Click here to go to our retreat page with all of the details!
Please sign-up using the form below and let us know if you can make it!
Are you in The Loop?