There's a lot happening at Reunion
What's the Word?
There is a lot happening at Reunion. Below is an archive of all our news, announcements, resources, and more.
Discussion Guide for Week 4 of Theology Crawl
Discussion Guide for Week 5 of Theology Crawl
Does God require the Church to be a multiethnic community, and what would that even look like?
We are all image bearers of God, but what does that mean for our similarities and our differences?
Having discussions about racism can be challenging. Here are some tips that can help.
The process of racial reconciliation must begin with repentance, humility, and truth.
Our Sunday gatherings will temporarily return to an online-only format.
Join us this week as we ask the question: What's the relationship between theology and the Bible?
Join us as for a summer of connection at REUNION!
Recommended Books from Depression, Anxiety, and the Christian Life Seminar
Consider Making a Year-End Gift
REUNION's August Gathering Schedule
On June 26th, after the gathering, we will be having a special Beach After Party at Carson Beach.
Elders play an important role at REUNION and nominations are now open!
We want to share a few resources with you on how to communicate Lent to your family.
Reunion Metro is hiring a Children's Ministry Intern!
The Reunion Kids page is a place to find information and resources for our Reunion Kids families!
Holy Saturday reminds us that our hope is not in the things that we do.
Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
Reunion will be taking part in a new teaching series called “Gospel & Race.” Learn more!
Ever feel awkward praying with someone? Here are some practical steps to help!