
Ash Wednesday Devotional 2025

March 5, 2025

“For dust you are, and to dust you shall return”

Ash Wednesday will mark the beginning of the new season of Lent in the Christian liturgical calendar. Lent is a 40-day period of self-reflection and spiritual discipline.

Typically on Ash Wednesday, Christians usually kneel and our foreheads are marked with ashes in the shape of a cross.  As they kneel, the pastor or priest will say to them the quote above, while they mark their foreheads with ash.  Ash Wednesday is, in many ways, a reminder of the reality of human’s mortality.

Most of us do not like to look our own mortality in the eyes.  It can be a difficult thing to think about and process as we go about our everyday lives.  Ash Wednesday is not meant to be a morbid moment, but rather, one that shifts our focus and reminds us of what matters most.

The ashes are placed on our forehead in the shape of the cross because it reminds us that there is hope at the end of our death.  That sin is leading us towards death, both physical and spiritual, but there is grace and hope for those of us who cling to Jesus and try to practice his ways.  This reminder of death is not meant to knock us back or stop us in our tracks.  It is meant to be a reminder to live in the present moment for the things that will carry eternal weight.  That’s why Lent is a season of both fasting and spiritual disciplines.

Fasting is giving up something in order to refocus our energy on something better.  Often, we fast from luxuries or distractions in order to reinvest that time in something that will draw us closer to Jesus and help us practice his way.

Spiritual disciplines—prayer, reading Scripture, forgiving others, and practicing silence and solitude—help us embody the ways of Jesus in our daily lives. They create space to hear His voice as He draws us closer to Him.

Today, let’s take a moment to reflect on a sobering truth: death comes for us all. Yet this reality isn’t meant to bring fear—it’s an invitation to live with purpose. Knowing our days are numbered should awaken us to what truly matters. Why wouldn’t we live fully today? After all, we are dust, and to dust we shall return.

Take a few moments to reflect on Ash Wednesday — the beginning of Lent — and consider what God might be inviting you into during this season:

  • Start by taking a quick time inventory.  
    • Where do you spend most of your time throughout the day? It’s important we are honest about this, so we can properly reflect and evaluate our days.
    • Am I spending my time in a way that is eternally valuable?
    • Is the way I’m spending my time creating beautiful, holy moments for myself and for others?
    • Is there something that sticks out to me that God might be calling me to fast from?  Something I can give up to refocus my time on drawing closer to God?
  • What are some spiritual disciplines I would like to try and practice during the season of Lent? Some ideas might include:
    • Different prayer practices
    • A Bible reading plan (There are many options in the Bible App)
    • Fasting from a meal this week
    • Journaling
  • Take a few moments to pray.
    • Begin with a minute or two of silence, inviting God to draw near. Simply sit in His presence and listen. You don’t need to hear anything specific or feel anything profound—this time is about openness, not outcomes.
    • After a few minutes, ask God to meet you in this season. Pray for His blessing over your fast or spiritual discipline.
    • Ask Him to draw close as you explore new ways to seek Him. And finally, ask Him to remind you that life is too precious to be spent on distractions that don’t truly matter.

Nathan Caddell

Nathan is an ultra Boston sports fan and an ultra marathoner who follows Jesus.

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